Friday, July 29, 2005
3:20 PM; is totally my freakin fault.its so obvious ritee?what else can i ever expect?they claim that yeah they come and talk to me.yeah guys did.i did too kays.want the prove?i saved each and every conversation.i did start some conversation out one msg me or call me or wat rites?no one did any conversation to like update and one called and say hey how are are you doing.all i get was like hey zie got outing this week u comin?when is your exams?no one yeah my fault.i didn't really take the initiave to talk riteee?and who did anywaysyeah yeah.i didn't do that too.but hey at least i don't talk about it.i don conclude that u forget abt me?i was busy with my own stuffs and yeah.i did try to like make it a habit to msg u guys once every week, but yeah forgetful mind of mine.yeah what i say now doesn't makes any sense anyways.i'm at fault la need to get so...whatever over it.and what effort did u guys really took.all u guys see is your own effort.who took the effort to see how i tried?and yeah i never realise.i never realise that u guys did some effort.i never what riteee?how did u even know i didn't?assumin again i guess?stop assuming.u missed me more huh?then?where's the phone calls..where's the msges the conversation and stuffs.yeah my fault.probably at this point u all will ask the same didn't do it too then why shld we.yeah.i didn't but u noe i don really CONCLUDE or ASSUME that u guys forget me.i didn't even have such thots.i thot probably u guys are really busy and stuffs.yeah my fault to considerate all this.i don't bother come and talk to u guys.maybe u guys just forget some points out there.i did talk to u guys.mayb not as much as u all did.but i did least i know i did.understandin how u all feel?my feelings?ever thot of it?i really wish i didn't visit pig's -sowwie-sin ee's blog that day.or i would never find out?find out for what rite?gettin hurt?when you know guys never approach me and talk about it.and u guys actually talkin about this without me knowin.then how in the world u expect stuffs to change yeah?i never knew this was really happenin.i didn't know u guys felt apart..felt it was just fadin.i really didn't.if u guys could have approach and talked about it.well, we could talk stuffs out.but too late i guess.nothing will turn it right.cause i'm always at fault anyways.i didn't take any initiave to start the talk.i didn't understand how u guys really feel.i didn't miss u guys.u guys took the effort to come to me?c'mon.when i really think of it.i count the times u guys actually msg me on msn to talk.and we talk about one updates.normally when u guys are online and not busy (i guess since there is no busy sign) u guys seldom come and talk to me unless there's somethin u need to ask like about this week's outing or stuffs.and yeaah how can u guys remember that i actually did come and talk to u?cause all u think is that we came to her but she never.yeah has always been me ritees?just end the quarrel here la kays.i don wanna quarrel anymore.tired of it.just let it be kays.u guys can say whatever u all wanna say kays.i don't have anything against it.i'm at fault yeah.
no one.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
8:56 AM;
-and again-i'm at fault huh?not really.i seemed to be at fault.i mish them.but how could they just conclude that yeah..that i forget about this friendship.mans.i don't think that will ever happen.i may not talk abt it.since when i talk about what i really feel anyways.guess they know me enough to know this fact.but deep in my heart they are always never could they ever think its fading.why things just had to turn out to be this way.yeah fault.i didn't take the initiave riteee?didn't ask them about how are they doing and stuffs.but's the goes to them tooo.they didn't ask anything either.missed me?wanna know how i'm doing?why read my blog-talk to me.i never say blog is just for my poly friends.they are my poly friends too ritee [we are in the same poly].its just that i feel that a online diary, it still a know what i mean.its best if no one knows.i mean this is my feelings..yeah yeah.whatever zie.i always wanted to go out with them.well, at least i do.i'm looking forward to it.but yeah.i know how busy i am now.i don't even have time for myself.and fault-duh.we had so much time can i ever forget about that?how can i ever forget about the havoc we make making cookies for mummy, struggling in art classes, and all the other crazy moments we had.we went through a lot together.all the crazy and sad days.yeah fault.what else could it be this thing.will never end.
no one.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
8:54 AM;
For hating you, I blame myself
Seeing you it kills me now
these are the words taken from Kelly Clarkson's song-Behind These Hazel Eyes.these are the words i could use to feeling towards that irritating gal.argh.i hate the core.mans.wats with her.she nv live before issit?i mean at least she doesn't know what's friendship issit?what's with a gal touching a gal?for comfort, for help.does this touch kills her?mans.freakin out when a guy touch her is understandable.but me.a gal.she just freak out-again.has anyone ever hug her before?or ever try to reach out their hands to help her?mans.don't try.she just won't helpin her, she just probably scold you in the end.and has she ever thought about anyone's feelings?does she know what is r-e-l-a-x - relax,chill.she panics the moment there's work to do.she wanna finish it right then.i'm like relax.u still got time.but bet those wwords doesn't really help.and even if it does, does it means anything to her?well,its good to finish your work early,but doesn't she knows how to do it slowly,rather than panic and screwin up her work.mans.hate her.for everything.haha.wats with her?don't know what to say oredi.just hope some miracle happens...
no one.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
9:01 PM;
mans.i'm so freakin pissed.!why don't life goes the way we wanted..why am i always stuck at somethin i wish i wasn' many questions.yet no answers.i've got no mood to study.really.i'm so freakin pissed.over what happen.i'm just so pisssed!!!!!!!!!!!!!i'm too pissed..i wanna cry.why the person i'm closest to can't understand me the way i wanted.why is that always the people around me understood my life best.why?why?why?i'm so pissed.i want this life to end.i want everything to end.hate this.hate it to the core.i'm so pissed.why weren't things better for me?why do i have to face this?argh.why he can't understand.argh!!!!!
no one.
Friday, July 15, 2005
11:22 PM;

hies :) just come back from chalet.i'm dead tired.well just come back like on thursday night..yesterday?tml's mummy's in my real mummy.not you noe you noe.haha.poor larry.he must be cursin me yeah anyways.i stayed at the chalet for like 3days was cool and fun.and they actually called sreeram down to help out.and i surprisingly pass my CM's last quiz on combinations and permutation.haha.kays kays.actually i dont feel like writin.but nvm.i'm in here anyways.guess wat?i took a picture of larry when he's being gay.haha.i don't know why the hell he sat that way.but looks gay and like!haha.talkin about the chalet, joanne really make me laugh thru out the whole chalet.firstly, she went like,"I got this indian teacher and he's really and indian." haha.secondly, when we reached our chalet (in a cab), she asked,"where are we?" when there's like such a big sign sayin, 'Welcome to Costa Sands".haha.she's one joker mans.anyways farnie farnie.haha.keeps me laughin.i'm so lazie tired..and hungry!!i shall go eat now.yum
no one.
Friday, July 08, 2005
9:40 PM;
my class rox.not all of them la.but hey at least it rox rite?i don know what happen to justin and larry just now, they got the childish disease.haha.they were talkin & quarrelin like small kids.shoo cute.haha.ok ok.actually dont know what to write?oh ya.i watched war of the world yesterday.its damn nice.go catch it.its worth it.haha.i tot its about natural disaster and stuffs you know but hey it wasnt.its a quarrel btw the humans and inhumans.haha.kidding.its jus a war btw the humans and the aliens.and please those who cant stand seeing blood.don't watch this movie.its freakin sickenin.cause in the end, they are like standing in the middle of a bloody island.all blood can see the intestine hangin on the tree and stuffs like that.its sick.but i'm ok with it.its one of the best movie i've watched.rox on.haha.i'm dead bored.and this msn, i cant sign in.wat sia!!!sob sob's sreeram last day teachin us.its so sad.i really hope he can continue teachin us.but yeah.when u have to go, you got to go.sob sob :( .i'm so gonna mishh him.but hey seriously.why cant sign in msn!!!!!!!i'm freakin pissed!!!!
no one.
Friday, July 01, 2005
8:46 PM;

kays.i don know why i wrote that as my nick but yeah..just thinkin about ransom letter's in my anyways, guess what?i'm buyin new phone tml.i so happy.but felt a bit wasted cause my tunes, my pics are in my current feel wasted to throw it away.ouch.heart pain heart pain.but i still phone.flip 6260.haha.i so happieeee!!!so anyways.friday is always a slack day.i don't know why.for WP is only presentation.oh ya.think i screwed it up oso.cause i only talk about 1 pathetic slide.this is nvm.its over and FSP is prac prac & a bit relax and slack la.i felt that way.obviously,my group was the 1st to present for WP so the rest of the period, we slack at the back.then me and larry go ard takin pic of him.check him out wif a cap. haha.i think he look a bit weird in cap.i prefer batman hair!!!so yeah.he looks weird.haha.dont tell him i say so enuf about sch.after sch we went to library to finish up our portfolio.and i'm kinda satisfied with my portfolio cause i find it nice for a 1st timer.not bad la.can make it.haha.then went to lot 1 to return cds.after that i was tryin to find this 3/4 sleeve shirt that i like from giordana.but they don't have white!!!!boo hoo hoo..sob sob.hmph!then i was like thinkin of black.and i'm like NO WAY.its a WP teacher's favourite yeah.the week's gonna end.and when tues come again.there'll be hockey again.i wanted to join hockey la.but this ruz arh.don't know when she will join with me.i very sad sia.nobody join with me.sob sob.i'm a hockey addict.haha.i'm addicted!!!to hockey.lala.but sian tml work.i tired la!!!but ya.its ok its orite.i'll go for this.last workin day of the week.haha.but yeah.lately i've been keepin in contact with nizam.but after that thurs, think we nv msg le.haha.but nvm least i did chat with him for a while after wat else can i say?oh ya.i don't know why i wanna do my COS project now determine to do myself. i mean like do research on my own first and stuffs when they discuss at least i know what's goin on you least can contribute somethin.i feel so useless whenever come to COS.feel so helpless.feel so bad for not contributin cos i know help help!!!!i need bad help.i hate COS presentations.sux to the core.anyways nothin else to write so yeah buhbyes...hee hee..
no one.