Saturday, April 29, 2006
11:28 PM;
psychiatry (noun [U])
the part of medicine which studies mental illness
psychiatrist (noun [C])
a doctor who is also trained in psychiatry
yup. there's where i'm referred to. a psychiatrist. went to polyclinic today. but then i'm referred to a psychiatrist. so guess, just have to wait for appointments.
anyways. i'm having problems styling up my hair! argh. hair professional anyone? i need help. bad help.
sigh. here i am once again, hoping everything, everything is just fine. is just as fine as the way i want and the way i left it. life was beautiful then. but now. nothing. just nothing seems right.
no one.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
10:18 PM;
no one.
2:05 PM;
had a haircut :))
yay. had a total makeover la. and my hair looks 'funky' and 'crunchy' (cause i need to crunch it). i like it :)). after a while. yupp.
but today, i can't style my hair la. have got no product. when i got the product, school's got no hair dryer :x . haa haa. i need a hair professional!!!! help!!! anyways, my hair looks like this:
anyways, after cutting hair, went to lot 1 for long john. and be somehow, found the last shrimp standing. haa haa. it was funny la. had taken pictures of the 'dying' process :D

1st stage

2nd stage

3rd stage

last stage

poor shrimp. it's dead :(
no one.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
1:57 PM;
what's the definition of bored?
feeling tired and unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have nothing to do
whatever your definition of bored is, it is still BORED.
lala. bored bored bored. 1st week of school is like freaking booooring. it's basically a veeery short introduction lesson which only filled up about 1-2 hours (the lesson's 3 hours) and all we can do is like waiting a few more hours for the next lesson.
and during that few hours, i'd probably die of boredom. basically did nothing during breaks. didn't even eat. no appetite, no mood. did nothing but play cs and tagging people's blog.
aiya, basically BORED la.
no one.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
10:40 PM;
missing you to the bits <3
in need of someone to lean on
life's driving me up the wall
I'm with everyone and yet not
Got to get away from here
I miss the one that I love a lot
I miss the one that I love a lot
and yes.
i truly do :(
and why does this feeling have to target me? always. this feeling. feeling of loneliness. even around people, i feel lonely. yes. this was what i felt. my feelings. i don't know if it's me or what. but it's driving me up the wall.
no one.
1:33 PM;
yuppyupp. that's what my class call themselves. as in those who take e-business and bioinfo. we're called biobizz!!!
haa haa. being very lame la. pratically nothing to do during break time. so yeah. must talk about school now. since school already started.
e-business was cool. too cool. most of my classmates take this elective. and as a result, 8 of us are in the same class :)). i've got friends :). the teacher is so cool. as in he don't make the lesson too boring. although it's a 3 hours lesson, it doesn't feel that long.
bioinfo was taught by one of my teacher during year 1. so yeah, he somehow knows us la. but he's quite boring as in dead lessons. -.-
ooad teacher was totally lame. she can't be any lamer :x. she try to make jokes, but no one laugh :x. it's not funny at all la. but teaching wise, i don't know. she haven't start teaching yet.
database. have yet to meet the teacher. anyways, now waiting for the class to start :))
it's a long week today. 1st week of school, and i'm already so busy. can't really have much time to myself now. sob sob.
psssst. i'm year 2 :DDDD
no one.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
7:00 PM;
lala. just came back from rotting every sunday. met him today. finally i said everything out. hope he doesn't get too worried.
met pig and her new hairstyle :D. and yes, i ate long john just now :DDDD. yummy yummy. and we're planning to go cut my hair this wednesday (finally, i cutting my hair).

I'm looking for attention
Not another question
Should you stay or should you go?
Well, if you don't have the answer
Why you still standin' here?
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Just walk away
Just walk away
Just walk away
no one.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
5:27 PM;
A depressive disorder is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself, and the way one thinks about things. A depressive disorder is not the same as a passing blue mood. It is not a sign of personal weakness or a condition that can be willed or wished away. People with a depressive illness cannot merely "pull themselves together" and get better. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. Appropriate treatment, however, can help most people who suffer from depression.
.Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood
.Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
.Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
.Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed, including sex
.Decreased energy, fatigue, being "slowed down"
.Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions
.Insomnia, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
.Appetite and/or weight loss or overeating and weight gain
.Thoughts of death or suicide; suicide attempts
.Restlessness, irritability
.Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain
info from NIMH (
Everyone feels a bit low sometimes - it's the mental health equivalent of the common cold. But for some people it's much more serious, paralysing their ability to get on with life.
What are the symptoms?
.Variation of mood during the day. It's often worse in the morning, improving as the day goes on - but the pattern can be the other way around.
.Disturbed sleep, usually waking early and being unable to get back to sleep. This is often because of the negative thoughts racing through their heads.
.A general slowing down of thought, speech and movement.
.Feelings of anxiety.
.Tearfulness for no reason.
.Short temper.
.Lack of energy and constant exhaustion.
.Inability to enjoy things.
.Lack of concentration.
.Difficulty making decisions.
.Feeling that you're forgetful.
.Negative thoughts about the future.
.Feelings of guilt.
.Loss of identity.
.Blaming self and low self-esteem.
.Feelings of hopelessness and despair.
.Unrealistic sense of failure.
.Loneliness, even when around others.
.Becoming preoccupied with illness.
.Loss of appetite and resulting loss of weight.
info from BBC (
no one.
3:49 PM;
tagged by ruz to do this thingy. quite fun since i'm like bored to death. and basically, no one's talking to me :(
Name 20 ppl you can think of right now at the top of yr head.Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 20 people.Okay tag at least 5 ppl.Ready?Start!
1) dear dear
2) piggy
3) be
4) tess
5) ruz
6) joanne
7) jeannie
8) jin de
9) leonard
10) end kiat
11) ravi
12) larry
13) my sis
14) ben
15) bertram
16) elfie
17) shu fang
18) nizam
19) bjorn
20) adeline
now for the questions :
1) How did u meet 14?
through bertram. they're brothers :)
2) What would you do if u've never met 1?
guess, it would be incomplete :))
3) What would u do if 20 and 9 dated?
oh. BIG NO. then 3 will kill me :x
4) Did you ever like 19?
as a classmate, yeah. quite helpful though.
5) Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
yeah, if they're lesbian :x
6) Describe 3.
erm. lots to describe la. i just love her to bits.
7) Do you think 8 is attractive?
maybe in someone else's eyes yes.
8) Tell me something about 7.
she's schooling at JJC :D
9) Do you know any of 12's family?
thank god, no.
10) What's 8's favourite?
er, must ask 2 :)
11) What would u do if 18 just confessed he/she likes you?
no way. never.
12) What language does 15 speak?
english and chinese.
13) Who is 9 going out with?
with no 3!!!! :DD
14) How old is 16 now?
my age. well, getting a year older next few days :x
15) When's the last time u talked to 13?
this morning. can't escape from her :x
16) What is 2's favourite band/singer?
christina maybe?
17) Would u ever date 4?
yes yes yes. :D
18) Would u ever date 7?
erm. why not?
19) Is 15 single?
not sure.
20) What is 10's last name?
can i say full name instead? tan eng kiat.
21) Would u ever be in a serious relationship with 11?
22) What school does 3 go to?
ngee ann poly :DDD
23) Where does 6 live?
bukit panjang
24) What's your fav thing about 5?
she's a great company/listener/adviser/friend
25) Have you seen Number 1 naked?
NOOOOOOO duh -.-
and now i'm tagging whoever is reading my blog. and like damn bored. so yeah found something for you to do :D
lala. baking cookies now. it turn out to be surprisingly delicious (cause, 1st round was kinda screwed :x) can't wait to eat it :D. yum yum
and to be and pig, i'm so sorry not to tag along. i mean yeah. totally sorry :(
oh ya, change the background. i know it's hard to read the words. i'm so sorry. but i just like it :x. so bear with it :D
disturbed and emotionless
no one.
Friday, April 21, 2006
8:06 PM;
went to school for the cca fiesta, hoping to see a hockey booth. reached there, went around the whole school, but there is no hockey booth. grrrr. i swear i could kill :x.
but i ended up calling the girl in charge. and she was like saying "oh, actually i'm on the way to KL". and i'm like -.- . but i'll tell her our details. la.
me and ruz met joanne after that and went to sembawang to get my cookies ingredient. can't wait to make them. yum yum. then, we went to causeway and ate at cavana :DD
walked around causeway and i saw this shirt from 77th street. mamamia. NICE :DDDDD. well, i like it. it's yellow and brown. i want that shirt! too bad, i'm broke :( . shall save money a.s.a.p before the shirt goes out of stock :))
and finally i'm home :D

cavana yummy :D

joanne's cheesecake which she wanted to eat like few days back. finally she's eating it :)

my hawaiian pizza :))
ciaos <3
no one.
11:31 AM;
was bored stuck at home. so did some quizzes :D
You Are Mexican Food |
Spicy yet dependable. You pull punches, but people still love you. |
You Are Ruby Red |
You are warm and inviting - yet a little wild and outrageous.Well aware that you have a dual personality, you work it as much as you can!You like for people to be comfortable around you, but not at the expense of you stealing the limelight.Popular and well known, you make friends easily. You have your big personality to thank for that. |
-----tickle quizzes-----
the astrology matchmaker
Zie, you're an Aries!
Your stars are sending you straight into the arms of an ARIES man. Your future man's feistiness and energetic demeanor, coupled with his optimistic outlook, make the two of you a perfect match. As an Aries, his assertive, independent manner will guarantee him success no matter what career he chooses. The only problem is how little time he gives himself to achieve his high goals. Patience is definitely not an Aries virtue. His open heart and creative mind, however, give him an air of self-confidence that makes you melt. And let's not forget his very sexual, impulsive side. As a fire sign, he's able to ignite your passion, and he has no problem keeping your interest. His symbol is a ram, and he is respected most for his courage and bravery.
How to catch him:
An Aries man is adventurous, and he wants excitement in his relationships. Despite his questioning nature, he'll only fall for an honest, innocent woman. Possessing a fairy-tale approach to romance, he won't tolerate devious behavior. His adventurous nature extends to the bedroom, where he likes to act out all of his fantasies. In all respects, this man wants to take charge. So sit back and relax. Let him take the lead, make the plans, and take care of you. You'll be in good hands if you let him sweep you off your feet. (pssst. i got myself an aries :P)
what kind of movie are you
Zie, if you were a movie, you'd be a Romantic Comedy
Awwww. With your sense of humor and spunk, you're a match made in heaven with a feel-good romantic comedy. From stories of serendipity to love at first sight to love lost and found again, these are the kinds of movies that melt your heart and make you love that loving feeling.
Whether you're lucky in love or could use Cupid's help, you've got that same lighthearted attitude and irresistibly sweet quality as your movie match. When life throws you a curve, you take it in stride and throw in a little laughter to make the day a bit brighter. So keep warming people's hearts with your sweet smile and adorable approach to life. All you need is love — and laughs!
the mood swings test
Zie, your mood tends to swing between Sad & Uneasy.
Most of the time you feel sad. Your outlook on life tends to be negative and you are frequently plagued by feelings of dissatisfaction. You might feel depressed about the direction your life is taking. When you feel uneasy, your outlook tends to be negative and you spend considerable energy dwelling on your negative feelings and emotions. Your uneasy nature causes you to get worked up over every negative aspect of your life.
When you experience the ups and downs of mood swings, the most important thing to remember is that you're not alone. Everyone—even the calmest individual—is liable to fly off the handle now and again.
no one.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
11:04 PM;
i need you now, badly
no one.
7:34 PM;
okay - breathe
what the hell is wrong with me? argh.
just what is so wrong? just what went wrong. to make me feel this way. the way i shouldn't feel.
just what is so wrong?
no one.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
10:30 PM;
lala. hope it's not too late.
lots and lots of love on your birthday. happy birthday :))
sigh. went down to lot 1 today. didn't have much time to company each other today. so just went lot 1 eat dinner, take neoprints and play arcade. i think i'm somehow addicted to arcade. all thanks to him :/
just a simple company for him :)). hope he enjoys tomorrow's dinner with his family :)
no one.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
8:57 PM;
yeah. that's it. was talking about it the whole day :))
went to gym today with ruz and him. suppose to have one more person, but she can't come cause she overslept(ehem, joanne)
anyways, gyming was fun. try almost all the stuffs :D. and was thinking of badminton this thursday. guess it's ons :DDDD
went to lot 1 to eat lunch and walk around. i want to buy lots and lots and lots of bag. i want xbox games also. i want cds. i want my paint shop pro 9. i want clothes. ok, basically, i want lots of stuffs :x
ciaos' <3
no one.
Monday, April 17, 2006
11:14 PM;
was checking mails. i received one from my classmate. it's about name, month and sign. so here's what i've got :
Does your name begin with: N
You are emotional and intense. When involved in a relationship, you Throw your entire being into it. Nothing stops you; there are no holds barred. You are all-consuming and crave someone who is equally passionate and intense. You believe in total freedom. You are willing to try anything and everything. Your supply of energy is inexhaustible. You want to be pampered and know how to pamper your mate. You also enjoy mothering your mate. You often have the greatest love affairs all by yourself, in your head. You are very imaginative.
Loves to chat
Loves those who loves him
Loves to takes things at the centre
Attractive and suave
Inner and physical beauty
Does not lie or pretend
Treats friends importantly
Always making friends
Easily hurt but recovers easily
Bad tempered
Seldom helps unless asked
Daydreamer (so true :D)
Very opinionated
Does not care of what others think
Decisive (sounds wrong :x)
Strong clairvoyance
Loves to travel, the arts and literature
Soft-spoken, loving and caring
Touchy and easily jealous
Loves outdoors
Just and fair
Spendthrift and easily influenced
Easily lose confidence
Turn ons
Libra needs peace and harmony in all their relationship so help them maintain that. Venus the ruling planet gives them beauty and they have weakness for people who can compliment them about their beauty (you will not have to make an effort to do that anyway). You can help Libra seek union and partnership in life. ( If you have Libra partner you can be sure to share beautiful and pleasurable moments together. ) ===> :DDDDD =x
Turn offs
Libra is kind and gentle soul but very argumentative. Hence do not start an argument or discussion unless of course you are free and do not know how to pass your time. They hate to lose and most probably in between of discussion they may change their side too (remember scales can tilt) and still continue arguing from other side. Do not push your Libra partner into making decisions. They will keep weighing pros and cons and may still not be able to come to any decision. Have patience!
oooh. libras libras.
LALA~ ['v']
no one.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
11:07 PM;
of course not forgetting the people around me. it's time to thank them all.
be & pig : thanks for the presents idea, going around marina, bugis and suntec :)) and definitely thanks for involving in the planning :D (felt bad :x)
tess : thanks for joining us :DDD. was really glad when u called and say u joining us for lunch. meet you soon ;D
veron : thanks for planning too :))
jd, leo, andi & eng kiat : thanks for coming down
dear dear, ben & elfie : the VIPs. big thanks for coming down or the whole thing probably won't happen today :))
did i miss anyone out? hope not :))
no one.
10:32 PM;
well, had gathering today. somehow turned out to be pretty screwed. people i expected to turn up didn't come. and those i didn't expect to turn up, came :x. but well, yeah, quite screwed
firstly, me and him met up at lot 1 to take neoprints. but somehow a family came and took neoprints 1st. and so we decided to play arcade. waiting for the family to be done was quite long, and soon it was time to go meet the rest :(
met the other 2 couples there :)) and we went to taka. surprisingly, tess called and said that she's JOINING US for lunch!!!! got so excited by then. well, spent 23 bucks on food. and tess went around saying 23 bucks, got everyone brainwashed and eat more. i admit i ate more than normal :))
but well, she had to leave by 2.30, and so we send her down. along the way, photos was not missed (of course) :DD
waited for veron and ben to come. and we went to cineleisure. booked this e-max chambers and paid $25 (argh) for it for just an hour. but yeah, it was ok, since we were sharing. guys had so much fun playing counter strike. cut the cake there :))
after one hour, they still want to play counter-strike. but now girls are in too (i was forced :x) but it's ok. for someone. had fun playing though :DD
the guys got hungry again, so went to eat dinner and went home :))
today's album (leaving out some)

squeezed in the toilet

can't she wear something different from me ? :x

tess & sin ee : boo

erm what shall i say? be, welcome to my house??

4 perfect shoes

star star star :))

although is was 90 degress anti-clockwise but i like it :DDD

love them all :DDD ['v']
no one.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
11:03 PM;
in need of someone to lean on
no one.
Friday, April 14, 2006
10:36 PM;
a very gentle and early reminder for everyone
(the date is today===> six more months)
p.s : count yourself :DDDDD
no one.
10:16 PM;
well, today is really a good friday :D. met him after he played basketball. and we went to his house to hang out. watched kids central.
and kids central is really boring today. as in hello it's the holidays. play something nice. well, some was nice. but my goodness. they played jimmy neutron -.-
it was 6 the next moment and i was worried about not reaching home at 7 =x. and he came out with ideas of bullying each other till someone surrender. and of course i didn't. he too. so we just continue the fights :)).
sigh, all the laughs, the fun, the tickles and the pillow fighting, somehow made me think, 'how long has it been since i really had so much fun with him'
but anyways, enjoyed today. although i was home late =x.
missing you le :D
no one.
11:10 AM;
still the girl you knew

This is the last of illusions
This is the final trace of innocence
If I'm caught in the middle
I know it will be the end of me
Talk to me
Don't play me with your silence
Whisper it in my mouth
no one.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
10:19 PM;
feeling so lonely
just where are you
i don't need long phone talks
all i need is
phone calls and short messages
just where are you?
no one.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
11:15 PM;
i'm sorry that it took so long
to write this song but i gave up
you see one million words can't describe
how it feels to know your love
crazily in loove
no one.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
10:18 PM;
picturing a perfect plan
that was what i've been thinking the whole day of today. in fact, i will be thinking about it for the whole of next week.
no one.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
9:50 PM;
whoa. so tired. just came back from suntec and bugis. had a very long day with the girls and the guys.
went to marina square to check out stuffs there. after a while, we decided to go to bugis to get presents. yay. can't find anything nice there. so we had lunch and went back to suntec.
(p.s : i'm sooooo sorry to trouble you all)
as we walked from bugis to suntec, jin de just have to disturb us =x. he went around pushing us. so, what we two couples did was, REVENGE. revenge is sooo sweet. lala.
and finally, i got something there :D. and then, we had a break at rocky master, and went straight home.
(i just loooove lollipops. especially those with powders. and went you eat it, there'll be this sizzling sound. enjoying it :P. yummy)
no one.
Friday, April 07, 2006
8:53 PM;
Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
the all time favourite
no one.
5:13 PM;
panic panic panic
okay that was me 1 hour ago. IS enrolment made me panic. but anyways it's over and done with. i'm in - television beyond entertainment and introduction to financial planning
lala lala. had very few vacancies though. not fair. i wanted to take some business thingy but it's in the afternoon. laaaayzeee
had a loooong morning today :(
lala. that should be it ;)
no one.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
9:00 PM;
yupp yupp. that's it. oooolala
basically had a very long tiring day today. but but but, it was total fun!!! met the girls at bukit panjang interchange before taking 960 to bugis.
in a few minutes, we reached bugis. went to banquet to eat lunch, but hey, you can't expect empty spaces during lunch time. so, let's forget lunch, and it's time for shopping!!!
but the girls decided to watch a movie instead. so, without a choice, i dragged myself to the counter to pay for tickets =x. it wasn't a waste though. ice age 2 was nice and cute.
then, we went shopping. but i only bought one top. went around bugis, was too tired to continue walking, so we called it a day and went home :))
the three laydeees

and our 3 white shoes

and we took a looong vehicle to bugis :))
no one.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
5:13 PM;
why is it that we're always trying to make everyone around us happy and let ourselves lead a unhappy life?
and why is it that poeple can't see that we tried our best to make them happy and yet they never get any happier?
worst of all, they take us for granted, like as if we're born to give them the world of happiness. (halo, doesn't anyone heard of give and take?)
they are like the 'jerk-o-meter' in my life. oh gosh, guess it never crossed their minds that, 'i need my life TOO'
no one.
3:36 PM;
no one.
Monday, April 03, 2006
7:58 PM;
haa haa. it's the collage crazy again!!! i don't know why. but the whole day of today, i'm doing collage!!! anyways, jog with sin ee is cancel due to the weather (i bet she's cursing the weather for once)

man, i just looooove this collage

and this is the extra extra simple - but hey, i loooove them!!!
no one.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
10:47 PM;
no one.
7:19 PM;
ARGHHHH!!!! you know what? SCREW BLOGGER. imagine yourself writing a veeeeery looooong post, without having a back-up, click on publish post and view your blog, and all you get was a BLANK post. ooouu screwed. hate it when this have to happen.
time updated : 7.40 (damn i missed some parts of the 'eight legged freaks' movie)
anyways, i felt so lazy and tired today, but i dragged myself out to watch the guys play basketball. like a routine, me and sin ee have to rot there every sunday, yawning, talking and always staying alert. and a miracle happened today :)).
the guys finally stopped playing at about, erm, 3 plus? so, me and him head down to lot 1 to hang out. but it wasn't much of a hang out cause he started to feel giddy and i've got to send him home :)
and now i'm HOME. sooo looking forward to watching the movie and eating the soup mummy cooked. so tempting. delicously yummy :D
p.s : (shall back-up just in case it screw up again)
no one.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
10:42 PM;
i suddenly feel sooooo lazy to blog. but anyways, i'm already here. so just start blogging. la.
anyways, went to bugis today with dear dear. finally he decided to bring me somewhere in singapore (after so much of bugging) . but i couldn't agree more if anyone say that guys are such a bad companion if you ever want to go SHOPPING. firstly, they'll complain when we shop for more than 2 hours. secondly, whenever you ask for their opinion, it's never a yes or a no. it's always a 'i don't know' or 'up to you la'. and after you buy the thing that you like, he'll ask 'why you like this kind of ugly things'. and everytime this happen, i just have to wonder, why didn't they give their opinions before we buy?
anyways, met him quite early today. watched him play basketball till around 1 plus. went to eat lunch after that and went his house. and he took freaking long hours to comb his hair right. left at about 4 and head to bugis. :)). had dinner at siam kitchen (that was because i was craving for their tom yum noodle soup and most of the fast food restaurant is full - what can you expect on weekends?).
was bloated, so we paid the food. and surprisingly, it's perfectly $20.00. went to walk around bugis and i only bought 3 pairs of earrings :)) . bought comics for him too :D. and so we went home early as he needs to go to his grandma's house.
no one.