There's another world inside of me
That you may never see
There's secrets in this life
That I can't hide
Somewhere in this darkness
There's a light that I can't find
Maybe it's too far away...
Maybe I'm just blind...
When your education x-ray
Can not see under my skin
I won't tell you a damn thing
That I could not tell my friends
Roaming through this darkness
I'm alive but I'm alone
Part of me is fighting this
But part of me is gone
And no matter how hard I try
I can't escape these things inside
I know, I know
When all the pieces fall apart
You will be the only one who knows
Who knows
no one.
A poem
The interview with God
I dreamed I had an interview with God
'So you would like to interview me?' God asked.
'If you have the time,' I said.
God smiled. 'My time is eternity.
What questions do you have in mind for me?'
'What surprises you most about humankind?'
God answered...
'That they get bored with childhood,
they rush to grow up, and then
long to be children again.
That they lose their health to make money...
and then lose their money to restore their health.
That by thinking anxiously about the future,
they forget about present,
such that they live in neither
the present nor the future
That they live as if they will never die,
and die as though they never lived.'
God's hand took mine
and we were silent for a while.
And then I asked...
'As a parent, what are some of life's lessons
you want your children to learn?'
'To learn they cannot make anyone
love them. All they can do
is let themselves be loved.
To learn that it is not good
to compare themselves to others.
To learn to forgive
by practising forgiveness.
To learn that it only takes a few seconds
to open profound wounds in those they love,
and it can take many years to heal them.
To learn that a rich person
is not one who has the most,
but is one who needs the least.
To learn that there are people
who loved them dearly,
but simply have not yet learned
how to express or show their feelings.
To learn that two people can
look at the same thing
and see it differently.
To learn that it is not enough that they
forgive one another, but they must also forgive themselves.'
'Thank you for your time,' I said humbly.
'Is there anything else
you would like your children to know?'
God smiled and said,
'Just know that I am here...always.'
-author unknown
nice thoughts isn't it? got it from a book called DOUBLE WEDDING written by PATRICIA SCANLAN :). finally i'm reading book after so many years. and it's definitely one of the sweetest, i can say :)
so what is it about?Jessica and Mike, the most united couple you can ever find. they were so madly in love with each other and can never take their hand off each other. while on the other hand, Carol and Gary, a couple faaaar from perfect. Jessica and Carol were friends since young. Jessica, led a very blissful life, with a family who always stand by her and Mike, a boyfriend, who just love her unconditionally. unlike Carol whose family was ignorant and Gary can never treat her right.
afraid that Gary might chicken out last minute, Carol suggested a double wedding, the last thing Jessica wanted. Jessie was reluctant about the double wedding. she just wanted a day for herself and Mike and make the best out of it. as per normal, Carol (the drama queen) said something and made Jessie pitied her and, in the end, agreed to the double wedding.
double wedding plans went on till Carol decided to break it off with Gary, thinking that they were not for each other. but things happen, and they got back together. and so, the double wedding was carried on. everything went on so fine till the wedding day itself, when Carol and Gary was about to walk down the aisle, she broke it off with Gary. she can't carry on with Gary and she knew it. their vows would mean nothing.
and this is the sweetest part of the book. a year after Jessie and Mike's married, she was looking forward to celebrating their first year anniversary. she was forced to wake up in the morning, getting ready without knowing what's going on. till Tara, her aunt, told her everything. Mike planned their anniversary so perfect that Jessie will never forget.
"Well you're getting married again, properly this time, with no dramatics and tragedy - just your own little wedding all to yourselves. Mike and Katie arranged it all. Fathe Henry's going to officiate at the renewal of your wedding vows---", Tara declared happily.
OH MY GOD!!! isn't that sweet. having your husband to plan all this. haa haa. this story make me go to my dreamland again. haa haa. SWEET TOTALLY :)). can i marry Mike? haa. i just don't want Carol to be my friend. haahaa.
no one.
oh well, guess the title tells it all :). HONEY. heard of it? it's some hip hop movie that you gotta watch! and jessica alba was so hot in the movie :) and she kept saying 'your flavour is hot!'. sweeeet. and watching it, just make you want to learn dance! and yeah, all in the mind and never do it. well, if i had the chance to, i wouldn't mind going for dancing. i loove dancing. it's cool :)
well, today was the last paper of common test. yipee. big yipee. now it's time for shopping, play, play and play :). and guess what, we just celebrated someone's birthday today. yup yup. BJORN's birthday. be glad :)
yup. it's all the pizzas, the soup, the drumlets and breadstix (i know it's like not pizza hut again. but i don't mind. i looove pizzas. never get enough of it). not forgetting the cake of course. and thanking JOANNE CHUA for a good taste for cakes. the cake was delicious. but too bad. i'm bloated. i'm so gonna get that cake for mum next month. it's her birthday :).
anyways, back ====> to BJORN's birthday. is was cool and sweet. and fun of course. it's like yay the whole class was there EXCEPT for justin and gang and jackson. or else, we would have full attendance. man. this was the first time something i organized had a great turn out. to my class, thanks for the fun :). we'll have more of this fun yeah? well, if you guys bother to have it. who's birthday next? haa haa.
and of course, it's photo time! man, i'm not gonna upload the whole thing. just gonna pick some few ones that i like :) enjoy ~
oh man. i loooook like some white ghost or something. all thanks to the flashie. but i like the photo still :)
the girls. okay, the other three was were missing.
the super delicious cake yum yum :). don't get tempted.
foxy foxy. grant me my wish. oh man that reminds me of wishing stairs :x

it was 15 of us. well, yeah 15.
and that's the girls. well, now the other three were missing.
and finally, me and my girls. and please don't look at my eyes. i don't know why it looks so horrible ~
and oh man. i mish YOU :(
oh well, two more months. two more months. two more months...
no one.
yes yes. chocolates and music. who can live without those two. hee hee. me la. chocolates are so irresistible. and there's no life without music.
chocolates. just the thought of it is making me drool. yum yum. and never a day pass without me eating it. :D. no wonder i fall sick always :x.
tobelerone : the yellow package chocolate. oh man. yum yum. it's delicious. especially the white thingy in the chocolate and the nuts.
m&m : who don't know this chocolate? it's colourful and nice :). especially the ones with nuts inside. i don't really like the plain milk m&m.
hersheys : yes! cookies and cream. oh oh. makes me feel good :D. i won't miss this out either.
ferrero rocher : this is like the tastiest chocolates ever. and it's best as a gift. can't miss out this golden chocolate. yums.
kinder bueno : i looooove this chocolate. but too bad. it always come in a packet of two. which is like so small. when i feel rich then i'll buy it. hee hee.
now is music time :)). hees. life will be soooo super boring with no music. i'm like so attach to my mp3. during the weeks of its repairing, i miss music so much. hee hee. all i can do is listen to music when i'm home or school using my laptop. music music music :)

the well-dressed rock band. THE CLICK FIVE. yesh! it is my favourite band currently. i'm like so addicted to their songs. i loooove click five :). it's been two years since their existence and they've made it big. yeahs. should try and listen to their songs :D

haa haa. bet no one know who's this. it's AJ from Backstreet Boys. can't find a nice group pic la. so AJ shall represent the whole group :)))). love his image and his unique voice. and i looove their song too. i'll never miss listening to backstreet boys. be it their old songs or those new ones. i'm glad they made it together again :). bsb rocks!

no one but BLACK EYED PEAS. yes, i think their like the best hip hop group. and fergie is soooo hot! she's cool. and loove their song especially let's get it started which never fails to make me high!

hmm. simple plan. nothing to say. their music is nice and LOUD!
and i'll never forget kelly clarkson. her music rocks. she's the best american idols so far. too bad. i can't find a nice kelly picture. so i can't post any picture. :(
lala. this is my daily dosage of music and chocolates. i don't know why i'm writing this. but i feel like it. so here it is :)
no one.