Monday, July 31, 2006
10:47 PM;
and again,
she continue hating herself.
she hides at the corner of her dark room
and cries till she's out of tears.
and all she wants to do right now is to run away from this world.
run far far away.
she still hates herself.
and the hating continues...
no one.
Friday, July 28, 2006
11:21 PM;
will you be angry if i tell you i'm not okay?
will you be there for me if i tell you i'm not alright?
will you be by my side if i tell you i'm scared?
will you make me smile if i tell you i'm not happy?
will you?
please tell me you will (:
no one.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
10:31 PM;
what the heck is wrong with me? can someone just do me a favour? kill me or whatsoever. just put me out of this pain! it's driving me nuts.
i saw a small little girl crying in the train just now. and right beside her was her mum, holding her tight, trying to comfort her daughter. and there i was, wishing someone was there for me too when i need them right by my side. and there i was, wishing i was just a kid and always remain one.
but this is life. we grow older, not younger. and this is life. there'll be time when life's good and there'll be time when life's bad.
i wish i could smile like normal. i wish i'm the happiest girl in the world. i wish these feelings will go far far away from me. how i wish, i know what's wrong with me. how i wish, i could be happy once again. how i wish...
no one.
6:49 AM;
oh well, it's been such a long time since i blog. BUT THERE'S NOTHING TO POST ABOUT! i just realised something when i look through the previous posts. I LOVE BLOGGING :x haa haa.
like normal, i've got training every wed. like yay. i like yesterday's training. except for the part when there's too much people in the court. it confused me! i was lost in the game. freak. why do they have to put so many people in one small court?
and since there's no more assignments, my schedule is super slack. no class here, no class there. making me feel more lazy to go school. haha. school's such a boring place now. but then, exams are here. well, soon. i've got papers next wed, 22nd and 23rd august. and then, i'm free! again!
can't wait for hockey camp. 8-10 sept! basically, i can't wait for holidays!
no one.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
4:25 PM;
3 cheers and 3 cheers and 3 cheers for NGEE ANN!
hockey match was amazingly fun and tiring. and be, how could you not come! well, everyone play well. well done people. and let's thanks aishah for the one and only goal! man, i was dead by the 1st half only. i think stamina is really bad. i don't bother running after balls. i wanted to die! :x
and marvis, aishah and ain pratically running the whole court. keep it up (:
well, yesterday had my 2nd last IS. and this time i didn't get any scolding from that teacher. freak. and i was like dying to pee la. so i ended up drawing something on my paper.
my status during the IS class

no one.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
10:31 PM;
those feelings are back again;
those mixed feelings;
can't bring myself to smile.
can't bring myself to stay happy.
i wish i knew what's going on.
life isn't so beautiful after all )):
no one.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
9:39 PM;
ok i shall start ranting. i'm so so so super duper pissed off with my groupmate. i swear i could just kill him right now. when will he start doing his work as a team? when will he stop giving all those excuses so that he don't have to help? i'm so sick of him. i'm so tired of his attitude.
and stop acting. stop acting like you know everything. stop acting. i know who you are. we know who you are. so stop acting like someone you're not. and stop giving attitude.
i'm tired. tired to talk to you. tired of asking you to do work. cause i'm just wasting my breathe and energy. wake up please! no one can help you if you don't help yourself.
no one.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
10:55 AM;
i went to watch pirates yesterday with be, leo, pig and jd and him :). pirates is so cool. and johnny depp was super funny in show. and i think there will be pirates part 3.
i'll be waiting!
no one.
Friday, July 14, 2006
6:45 AM;
oh i finally can sign in to MSN
no one.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
10:30 PM;
do you feel empty inside?
YES (you hit the right spot).
mild depression
and freak, i can't sign in MSN
no one.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
9:41 PM;
yes. i finally gym-ed today. feel so good! i feel good.
taken my specs
bought my shoes
ate siam kitchen
watched aeon flux
(thanks piggy)
no one.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
10:42 PM;
yups. a month away to heaven :x
oh well, what a day today. down at marina. was cool. played bowling and i won him! haa haa. he lost to me. NANNY NANNY POO POO :p. but then again, who can win ng sin ee? she forever leading in bowling la. and swensen's baked rice had me full till now. i'm not hungry!
be and leonard joined us for dinner. then, played arcade. but i had to leave early. sorry darlings :)
but still, i enjoyed today :)))
yeah, i know. he still loves me. i know he does. my heart says so. he still loves me he still loves me he still loves me he still loves me...
no one.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
11:58 PM;
firstly, i shall apologized for a second post and for blogging about something which is totally opposite from the previous post.
oh well, hear me out. hear me rant.
i don't know what i'm really feeling right now. it's a super mixed feelings. i really don't know. the things between us got better. there is a better communication. but then again, it doesn't feel right. something's missing. and i don't know what.
how long will it take for things to get back to normal?
how long will it take for things to get back to what it used to be?
where was the time we used to spend together?
where was the memories of you and me?
and now?
all i can do is sigh to myself. again and again.
no one.
4:27 PM;
what's priceless?
a friend is someone who can change a frown into a smile when you're down
a friend is someone who will always share your secret dreams because they care
a friend is someone who worth more than gold and give all the love a heart can hold
what's a friendship?

i don't know how to define a friendship.
but i know friendship is the four of us.
you, you, you and me :)))
no one.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
9:29 PM;
screams! currently playlist playing geek in the pink! so, you know, reminds me of JOAKIM GOMEZ :)
after school, joanne, ruz and me decided to go town :). and i don't know why, we decided to wear the same colour top. and everywhere we go people asked why we all wear the same colour. haa haa. and when waiting for the bus, ruz and joanne was like standing in front of the 2 guys wearing yellow too. so it's like you can a whole row of yellow people. i can't stop laughing. haa haa.
so yeah, we visited far east, heeren and cineleisure and went home :)

SENTOSA!sin ee, jd, eng kiat, jeannie, be, veron and me :). this was the first comers. haa haa. then, tess and ben (EHEM!) joined us like about 3 or 4 something. finally meet the new member of the family :D.
anyways, before tess reached, we were slackin, chatting and taking pictures. so, when tess reached, we played games. like volleyball, captain ball, pepsi cola, murderer and start exchanging tricks. aha. i know a new trick. can try it on my poly friends. muahaha. so yeah, day ended just like that.
time to bathe! take super long to bathe cause there's quite a long queue. and there's this girl who took her own sweet time bathing. grrrr. and then, some people just had to spoil my mood. brings my mood down :(
ok. all i have to do is SMILE :)) and cheer up.
SENTOSA pictures (half of it) :

oh well, i'm starting to miss them again. especially tess...
no one.