Friday, September 29, 2006
10:12 PM;
what do you do
when every tear you shed
won't turn back the time,
won't make things the same
once again?
no one.
12:32 AM;
stop asking me if i'm ok.
i'm not.
i'm just not ok.
no one.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
11:35 PM;
I feel myself slipping once again,
I know what's to come now,
I've been here before.
Loneliness and despair,
just me and my thoughts,
my private struggle.
I don't want much,
just to be free from this darkness,
this pain, this fear.
I wish people didn't judge,
I'm not 'weak'!
I can't just 'pull myself together!'
I wish it was that easy.
I wish they understood,
I wish I didn't have to pretend,
I wish I didn't have to hide,
I wish I wasn't me!
i want you to be by my side. and yet, when you're around i felt so out of place. i don't know what i want and what i need - it's a mixture of feelings. when i felt down, i wish you are here. when i cry, i wish you're here. when i need a hug, i wish you're here. when i need someone to talk to, i wish you're here.
and i continue wishing...wishing you're here..
no one.
Monday, September 25, 2006
12:30 PM;
haa haa. this is like a super pack weekends.
a day out with the hockey team to sentosa! like yay. and it wasn't a bad turn out for a last minute plan. i shall write down the attendance here.
1) KAT!
2) me (:
3) pig
4) ruz
5) pebs
6) shariffah
7) michelle
8) sarah
1) momin
2) salim
3) thiru
4) kai bin
5) izzat
6) haikel
7) jay
8) derrick (although he left early)
9) desmond
should be all. i hope so. if i missed out anyone i'm so sorry :x . yeah we played lots of games like, polar bear, captain ball, red Indian house (i think so), murderer, touch rugby and a few more i guess. can't remember. and after sentosa, we had our dinner together (: although some didn't join us.

A day out with my girls. BELINDA, TESSA AND SIN EE! (((((: i loooove them. we went city hall and walk around there. suppose to get hockey bag, but in the end got one only. it's out of stock. the rest of the time spent on walking around and gossiping and finishing up our buffet! in the end, we went toy'r'us where be and tess acted out a mini 'pirates of the carribean'. Haa. should have seen them in the act. Just can't stop laughing!

Oh well, enjoyed my weekends.
i still feel so down. i don't know what's wrong. i don't know what went wrong.
no one.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
11:40 PM;
it was true.
she did look the same.
but she wasn't the same.
not even close to it.
no one.
Monday, September 18, 2006
10:41 PM;
why does loving you is so hard?
i'm not okay.
i'm okay.
no one.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
12:40 PM;
why do i always have this feeling?
why do i always feel guilty?
as if,
i'm coming in between two good friends?
no one.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
11:15 PM;
oh man. i've always love camp! no matter what camp it is. and this is hockey camp! the more i'll love! it's like 3 days of hockey (equivalent to heaven!). whoa! had fun although my body is aching. but still, can we have more camps please?
DAY 1 -
9.00 am : meet up at clubhouse and only 5 girls turned up! the other 3 was late and the rest joined at night. and some didn't even turned up! i'm glad i reached on time!
and so after that, we went to kismis court for our training. oh well, training has just started. it's just a start of hell :x. basically first day was a little slack as most of them reached late. the girls played bingo while waiting for lunch. and video sections was a little screwed cause the DVD player wasn't working! but we girls played our own game (tiu tiu!)
after dinner, suppose to have happy hour (which turned out to be a violent hour!) cause mavis brought battle royale for us to watch! like super sick + violence! eeeeeeww. please, don't kill your own best friend! then, we girls had a hard time going to bed cause we're too scared! and probably having nightmares about the movie. GROSS! but well, i slept peacefully!
DAY 2 -
woke up at about 8.30. washed up and ate breakfast before we ran for our campus run which is like 3.2 km! it kills me! i regretted waking up! after running was training and den slacked till 6! i think cause we all looked like as if we were dying. so they pitied us and cancelled our second training. then, it was dinner! which is BBQ! cool! i love hotdogs and chickens! and the swings! then, we were being introduced to the game polar bear! i love polar bears! haa haa. and so at the end of the day, we played polar bear and murderer till 3 in the morning.
DAY 3 -
PROBABLY due to the girls waking up late, they cancelled the 2.4 km run (YAY!). we just played games the whole day! yay! although my group didn't win, we still had fun! and damn, they put all the defensive in my team. so none of us can play forward! i was lost when they put me as forward! weird! i prefer defense A LOT more than forward! and they give us this super cute hockey stick keychain as a gift! oh man, i always wanted that. so i shall say thanks!
PICTURES (not forgotten! ===> THANKS TO KARTINI!)

what? smile? why should i smile? there's no reason for me to smile.
give me a reason to smile and i'll smile for you
no one.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
9:10 AM;
no one.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
8:26 PM;
went to lots and lots of places today (not really :x) first stop was queensway cause darling ruz wanna get her hockey shoes. whoa. she took damn long and so indecisive about the size of the shoe -.-. and i bought myself a shin pad. my old shin pad's spoilt. so i got a new one! (:
next stop was hair shop at far east called - MAKE A DIFF (: oh well, ruz cut her hair and i rebond mine. oops :x now it look super straight (i don't like. i like messy hair! (:) lucky for me, my mum didn't nag. and it took really long time to rebond. ruz and joanne almost went nuts. right after haircut, we went for lunch (or is it dinner?) at ramen tan (oh, however you spell that!). i was so bloated! and again, i like their service and the super friendly staffs!
after that, heerens! i went to get myself a new sling bag! yay. i got a new sling bag! it's white. haa haa haa. i got lots more to shop. and i say this cap which is so WOW! i like! but yeah, broke for that moment! next time next time! pictures time now!

our new hair! i look weird!

ok, i so miss my messy hair!
oh well, after all this week, i want to say, i miss my friends ((:

no one.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
8:57 PM;
saturday morning for me is sure busy :x. oh well, super long day too. i went to watch him pay for this 3-on-3 match at downtown which started as early as 8.30 am -.-. just the time i don't wish to wake up at all, i've got to drag my feet out of my bed, get ready and go out to meet the rest (like finally meeting jeannie too!).
but they just had to make things hard for us. the guys only started playing at 1040. i was forever complaining. they shouldn't make us come early or maybe we just shouldn't come that early! but never mind, i shall shut up and enjoy the whole match thingy.
and yeah, hard to say but they lost. and the last team they lost to, was super strong. they are super fast, like lightning! they are good! no doubt. but then, the guys still did their best in the match. so, well done!
the atmosphere there was good, although there was soooo many people (and sooo noisy), they keep playing the same video for like a millionth time and the songs played were super horrible. but then, there was just someone to spoil it all. there was this girl who was like attention seeker, speak so loud with her high pitch voice :x and was kinda trying to act cute. grrrr. i hate AS (attention seekers)!
after the game, we went to bugis to eat. and of all things, we eat siam kitchen again. damn, during the time we went, the buffet was closed! so, no buffet ): .walked around bugis a while to find bags, but nothing was that nice, so we went home! and here i am updating my blog with a NONG NONG NONG post ((: (as promised)
oh man! i swear i need some sleep now!

the three girls who sacrifice their sleep )):

the big place with lots of small courts

JEANNIE! caught red handed! :x
no one.