Wednesday, January 31, 2007
5:37 PM;
Now we’ve all grown up, gone on and moved away
Nothing I can do about it, nothing I can say
To bring us back to where we were when life was not this hard
Looking back it all just seems so far, so far away
miles apart;
no one.
Monday, January 29, 2007
10:11 PM;
i think i understood what you were talking about.
i think i did.
and i'm sure i did.
well at least 60%.
don't ask me if i'm ok.
cause i don't know how to answer you.
don't ask me what's wrong.
cause i don't even know what's wrong.
don't ask me to stop crying.
cause that's all i feel like doing.
and i really don't know what's wrong.
no one.
Friday, January 26, 2007
5:48 PM;
i didn't know
being myself
was what
i was trying to do.
no one.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
8:16 AM;
what am i suppose to say when i'm asked with questions like:
are you okay?
yes or no?
yes i'm ok; i know i'm lying big time. cause what i felt is definitely something totally opposite
no i'm not ok; at least i know i was telling the truth.
ok. what's the reason.
and again i always ask myself this question.
why, why why? why am i not ok?
seriously i don't know the reasons or the answer to this question.
because ______________ (and fill in the blank)
so i always ended up saying guess so.
or should i start saying guess not?
and i hate it when they always ask.
left me silent, not knowing what to say.
and secretly, ask my myself, what will the reply be?
so, back to square one.
yes or no.
i hate me
no one.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
3:10 PM;
-emotionally unstable-
there's school project. tomorrow last day.
one more assignment. my CA3 which will decide my pass/fail result
there's weekly tutorial.
there's DWA report.
there's IS reflection.
there's IS report.
v-day presents.
v-day plans.
and not forgetting
my feelings that have been going haywire and totally mixed.
oh there's so much to do. and i bet there's more.
and happy birthday ruz =D smile more.
so again.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY =D (enjoy being 19.)
no one.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
9:36 PM;
Cause I've got you to make me feel stronger
When the days are rough and an hour feels much longer
Yeah when I got you
Oh to make me feel better
When the nights are long they'll be easier together
-mcfly ; i've got you-
When darkness turns to light,
It ends tonight
It ends tonight
-all american rejects ; it ends tonight-
you know how terrible it feels to be loved and neglected at the same time?
you know how terrible it feels to be so busy and stressed out and yet there's nothing to do?
you know how terrible it feels to say that you're okay when you're not?
nope. i doubt you do. and i'm lost in this mixture of feeling. and sometimes, it feels as if i don't know what to feel anymore.
but something made me happy today.
oh well, i submitted my previous skin (out of joanne's constant nagging). and i got this as result! yay! yippee :D but sometimes, kinda unbelievable. thanks for those who commented :) at least it gave me a reason to smile.
no one.
Monday, January 15, 2007
11:35 PM;
sigh. i don't know why. i'm just not in the mood now. i felt like crying. and i felt so stressed out. i might need my time again ):
and yet, the glimpse of everyone's face keeps me going. and it just makes me say that i love life.
i wish i could. but currently, i just couldn't.
no one.
9:28 PM;
sigh. it's just the first few weeks of school. and here i am looking forward to holidays. nearing to holidays means more projects and assignments.
not very much of big projects though. except for one. in which i've got a lot to talk about. it is madness. we need to compile everything together as a group. but the problem is, SOME PEOPLE are just not bothered doing anything. and they think that, by doing their individual parts they're done with it. but sadly, it is not! their responsibility's not over. and this SOME PEOPLE they just don't feel the guilt of not CONTRIBUTING anything to the project. and therefore, they make no difference. it's not only that, they actually had comments on the project done, which i think they should just shut up when they didn't do anything. and i swear, i felt like telling this to the lecturer so that he can fail them. thank you very much.
you know how exactly it feels being in the same group of people who just doesn't do work, and they pass, and get on with the next semester NOT DOING ANYTHING! and worst, getting the credit of all the work of those who contribute their parts and killing their brain cells (this include not having an early sleep, having an early morning and squeezing inside the super crowded train, just to get the projects done). argh. i'm just so piss with this certain person. i think he/she better know who they are and start doing work! and bloodyhell, get this right. projects and relationship is two different things! more time with your other half does not mean more marks. so get real! ARGH! i'm so pissed!
and i can't do this project at home. can't get connected to the school server. oh shucks. must stay more in school ):
grrr. i just have to live with this.
i hate my mood nowadays. it's getting super moody with no reason. and things like this are making me feel worst. and questions that doesn't make any sense makes me irritated easily. and the need to explain more than once is just so annoying and tiring. sigh. i hope it's just pms.
no one.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
7:54 PM;
haa. you're 19 now! be happy =D
you know what keeps me going on?
you. yes you.
when i think of you, it makes me continue surviving this whole thing.
but what do i do now? when i can't feel you?
do i still exist? or am i just a forgotten reminder of your past?
no one.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
10:29 PM;
there's no words to describe what i'm feeling now.
right now.
i felt so lost and confused.
and i felt so neglected. and alone.
and i hate this feeling. can anyone help me please?!
talk to me soneone please, let me know there's someone who exists in my life.
and the pills i'm eating, is of no effect.
no one.
10:02 AM;
happy new year. new year means, new skin =D. hees. i know i've been changing skin quite constant. but can't help it! I love making them =D
oh well, there goes my two weeks break from blogging. and like promised, yes i'm here blogging again. seriously, i miss blogging for the past 2 weeks. but the break was much much more needed :x
the 2 weeks of holidays, a lot of things happen (but I swear this is the most boring holidays I've ever spent!). all the smiles, laughter, tears, pain and boredom. just name it! and in this 2 weeks, i've accomplished my wishes - i've watched movies and been to beach =D. so here comes the compilation of 2 weeks break post XD
i was out with my two girls to vivo =D. oh well, that was my very first visit to vivo. vivo's nice. i like the design and the shops there (especially forever 21 and the cute shirt that caught my eye!). and i like the third level. love the view. it's nice :) i think, i'll start shopping at vivo instead. tee hee :D

oh yes, i went for the hockey outing to sentosa. lucky for us, it wasn't raining at all, except for the little drizzling that lasted for like 2 minutes?! or maybe even lesser. outing was fun, as per normal, with the crazy people. but this time, attendance kinda low. must be the last minute planning. HAA!
the last wednesday of 2006, i was out with him. to vivo again -.- haa. but that day was great. cinema at vivo was super long queue. irritating :x after walking around, we end up at lot 1 again to play xbox and watch movie. and guess what, even lot 1 cinema was packed. grrr. i guess it must be the last cheap day tickets thingy.
till then, i've been stuck at home (except for hari raya haji) :( and i hate being sick. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007 PEOPLE! i love =D ; hope it's not too late though :/
night at the museum
it's worth your every dollar. and i love the easter island stone thingy. i love the prince. and the little cowboy. and dexter the monkey. and rexie =D
no one.