Wednesday, February 28, 2007
11:34 PM;
aka fisherman/garderner/farmer.
yay. today was the celebration for hanif's birthday. erm, someone's 18. so, we had dinner together.
ruz, sin, jay, agnes, thiru, haikel, farhan, izzat. the mango tango cake. swensen. chicken baked rice. the laughters and jokes. the present. haikel's girlfriend's birthday song. and the freaking rude waitress. grr.
i'm loving all the hockey outing :D:D
loves loves loves :]
no one.
Monday, February 26, 2007
7:00 PM;
another day spent in town :D:D:D
did my shopping. gosh i spent my money ):
hee hee. i finally got my fitted jeans (they call it skinny jeans. but whatever.)
can't find any nice heels though. the next time then :D
bought 2 tops. yay.
currently addicted to fall out boy :D:D:D
shall make a wallpaper of them. hee.
back to work!Y
no one.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
10:02 PM;
i felt as if i've got so much thing to do.
but so little time.
but sometimes, i find myself dying out of boredom.
meeting the hockey team much more often.
hope to meet up even more.
so much things planned. so little time.
okay okay. i should plan my days.
cut hair.
dad's birthday.
fitted jeans and heels.
chalet (i hope it's happening)
cycle and movie.
skinning, patterns and wallpapers.
pizza with sin (forced to write after reading tagboard [:)
and the list will go on...
my first picture :) shall put more of work! :D
featuring : PANIC! AT THE DISCO :D
picture from : purevolume
brushes from : fracturedsanity
font from : juvenilecasuality
pattern from : squidfingers
no one.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
11:28 PM;
hello :D
today seems like the start of the holidays. cause i'm finally out after so long :x
and it's sentosa time with the hockey people again.
attendance was low. cause the guys got to know last minute thanks to their captain!
so most of them can't make it, due to work and attachments and their own plans.
only 10 turned up.
to those 10, thanks for making the day. it was fun, although very little people.
and kat, thanks for organizing but it's sad you couldn't come along cause of your last-minute-work. :(
and izzat, stop being so emo can?
yay. i love the beach. the sun. the sound of the waves. the kids. hanif trying to catch fish and feeding peacocks. the murderer game. uno. the red indian(i swear i hate this game). the captain's ball. the scissors-paper-stone at the playground. the jokes and the laughters. the riddles : black magic, fuzzy wuzzy, clock, around the world in 80 days. and ban mian :D i just love today. at least a time-off for my mind. it's bursting.

dying doesn't seems so cruel now. however zie, it's time to move on.
no one.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
10:58 PM;
When there’s no one else
Look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend
Just trust the voice within
Then you’ll find the strength
That will guide your way
If you will learn to begin
To trust the voice within
and i'm praying to god. you bring me to this. i'm sure you make me pull through this too. make me strong once again. let me face the world again. i want to be free from pain. allow me to smile and stop me from crying. you're my only strength.
no one.
Friday, February 16, 2007
10:30 AM;
arh. yes. the day i've been waiting for. last day of paper :D
gosh, you had no idea how excited i am and how hyper i am now.
and how heavenly it sounds when the teacherlecturer say ,"pens down".
like no more papers. no more mugging. :D
and time for shop and play and skinning :D
today was like the bio paper.
seriously, i had no regrets taking bio. it's interesting learning stuffs like this. although sometimes the whole chunk of notes make me go kuku -.- but never ever revise last minute. it cramps my brain and my brain lagged for like the whole day of yesterday, till i vomited everything out today. paper was okay. as in, easier. probably cause i study :x
went town then. had a lil valentine's day celebration with the girls(joanne and ruz). was super hyper. cause, like finally :D felt so relaxed now.
and MCR's (My Chemical Romance) songs have been playing in my playlist and my mind. and i'm secretly, silently and slowly addicted to them. and their song play again in my mind;
-i don't love you like i did yesterday-
ok that was the only sentence i know, from one of their songs. but no, it doesn't goes out to anyone. i love you all more each day :D so, yay, mcr rocks. haa, it's playing again.
-And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me-
ok. i love this :D
rock music rocks :D
no one.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
3:33 PM;
happy valentine's day everyone :D
it doesn't matter if you're single or whatsoever.
valentine's day is for everyone.
and i love each one of you <3
therefore today, i shall celebrate
my love for my family, friends and him :D
my love for food and chocolates.
my love for coffee (STARBUCKS! :D)
my love for shopping.
my love for hockey and dance.
my love for skins designs.
my love for music.
my love for enduring one more day to end of exam -.-
and of course, my love for myself.
ok. i'll try to.
no one.
Monday, February 12, 2007
10:18 PM;
Don’t cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.
yes, tomorrow, papers will start.
yes, tomorrow, a day away to valentine's day.
yes, tomorrow, the second day of every week.
yes, tomorrow, one paper lesser.
yes, tomorrow, i'll try to finish up the presents.
yes, tomorrow, i wish something will change for me.
tomorrow. tomorrow. tomorrow.
no one.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
1:41 PM;
yesterday, i somehow managed to take some time off studying. all thanks to my mum's plan to celebrate my sis's birthday. omg. she's 22.
i went to orchard to like get her present, in which i have no time to get. so that was a last minute thing. lucky for me, i already knew what i want to get her. so, easy job. :D. after that, met them at vivo. yes, vivo again. but i don't mind. they've got forever 21 :D :D :D. so i managed to get one shirt. should have gotten one more. i just can't resist their clothes :D
i didn't study whole day yesterday. so probably, today i shall stay up late to study. paper's like 2 days away. and i can still say i'm not prepared. too many distractions. so, today i shall concentrate and study.
and i got idiots asking me if i got twin sister -.- hell no. but i wish for one :D
i can feel nothing but pain.
no one.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
7:58 PM;
understand and trust!
two keywords in every relationship.
yes zie!
start understanding people.
don't always look things your way.
they have a reason for their every move.
so, don't think too much!
think somemore, i'll slap you!
okay, ignore that.
just my inner voice.
please love me or i'll be gone.
no one.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
9:03 PM;
i ain't taking this anymore.
i'm out of tears to cry.
please don't make me cry anymore.
tears keep falling.
and yet, i continue saying that i'm ok.
no one.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
5:08 PM;
Just have a little patience
I'm still hurting from a love I lost
I'm feeling your frustration
Any minute all the pain will stop.
Just hold me close inside your arms tonight
Don't be too hard on my emotions.
'Cause I
Need time
My heart is numb, has no feeling
So while I’m still healing
Just try and have a little patience.
I really wanna start over again
I know you wanna be my salvation
The one that I can always depend.
I'll try to be strong
Believe me I'm trying to move on
It's complicated but understand me.
'Cause the scars run so deep
It's been hard but I have to believe
-take that; patience-
and yes of course, happy birthday sis!
no one.
Monday, February 05, 2007
4:03 PM;
bring my old self back again!
i'm too depressed to go on
you'll be sorry when i'm gone
no one.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
10:53 PM;
those feelings keep coming back. once again.
sometimes i can't help but to feel this way.
i've tried to understand.
but sometimes i just can't.
maybe i was too sensitive.
or maybe things are just going the way i see it.
but does it have to really go this way?
or will there ever be a change?
what will it take for things to change?
and i am always wishing these feelings will be gone.
gone for good.
but well, it doesn't seems that way again.
everything just doesn't go my way.
and again, i don't want to say these thoughts.
but sometimes i can't help it.
and some words keep ringing in my head:
life,as you see through life
you will see that there is so much more that we don't understand
and the only thing we really know
is things don't always go the way we planned;
got it somewhere. can't remember.
probably blogskin.
but i can't help but to feel amazed at how true it is.
so depressing.
no one.
Friday, February 02, 2007
6:57 AM;
out of place.
no one.