she's someone in your lifeshe's someone you love <3
she'll go nasty if you make her cry.
librababy easily contented
very indecisive green & red yesyoudo livejournal
<3 hockey
<3 chocolates and snacks
<3 shopping and fashion
<3 music and dance
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
12:17 PM;
back from chalet. chalet's cool and happening. especially with all the funny people around.
the girls went escape. played twister. prepare bbq stuffs. watched the recruit. watched the final destination 2. played twister again. then, start sleeping :D
lol. i realised the entries area seems to be shorter than my navigation area. :x ok randomness. i've watched TMNT :D:D. i'm so in love with the orange one :) he's so funny! but then, overall movie was ok.
tell me what to do. tell me what you want. and it seems as if everything i did was wrong. we have to face it. we have to let go of everything. we can't stay here forever.
no one.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
10:36 PM;
today's a super tiring day :D and i spent money ): i think i better stop spending and save more! grr. pizza's nice. and i love joanne's new shoes!
i can't sleep the whole night. my eyes are super black now ):
i'm so f***king angry. you're really too much. can't you ever freaking live you own life. and leave mine alone?
no one.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
10:44 PM;
:D:D i love today's outing with the girl. although, i have to admit something. i was cursing the two monkeys for making me travel at a longer distance to novena! should have trusted myself! grrr.
bbdc - yes, i've registered myself. and i can't believe it either. and all along i was praying that i won't screw up the eye test :x and i did not. and the girl who registered us kinda attitude. grrr.
united square - wanted to go, since i've never been there before. it's boring :x but they had starbucks there :D. bought a drink and off to the next mall :D
velocity - checking out this new mall. kinda cool. not bad :D
peninsular shopping center - ruz dragged us here. she needs to check the price for the goalkeeper thingy. and the sales people there were so helpful. i love their service. THANK YOU :D:D and i wish i can buy all the sticks. love all of it! :D
marina square - okay. last stop. promise :D walked around a while and went home :D
love today. OH GOSH BRENDON URIE :D lol. so random :x
tomorrow is a new. it's another day. i wonder if i still mean something. i wonder will he say some last words before leaving.
no one.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
11:48 PM;
ALOHA :D gosh, any sooner my sis will scream at me for using the com! :x but, who cares? hee hee.
trainings resume today. today's training is so slacked. we played every other games except hockey :x played captain's ball, red indian (screw this game) and soccer. don't know why i'm a little down today. didn't really move around that much during soccer :x. always get high about soccer, but today, a lil different. crap! and the balls the guys kick was so hard. i wanted to just scream! my poor leg ]:
i can't wait for chalet. and TMNT :D:D
i can't wait to finish off this week. kinda busy week.
i'm so into training :D
no one.
Monday, March 12, 2007
8:07 PM;
*&%&$#^(&(*^$#@@! sorry. i was super pissed off with this guy sitting behind me in bus 67. he's a toot! he did everything on purpose larh. when i move to another sit. he moved too. and purposely stick his hands out. lucky we're reaching. i wanted to just like stand up and ask what his problem! and again, i wish i had my hockey stick with me. *&%&^$^% him! grrr. i'm so angry. i wish i can complain larh. but then, to who? -.- GRRR! RAWR!
went back to school. to help out decorating the hockey notice board. didn't do much today. i was preparing to clean the clubhouse instead -.- can't wait for training to resume! yay!
last week, i rented some vcds. my super ex-girlfriend. you, me dupree. john tucker must die. omg. i love that movie! the guy is so cute, and the girls are damn pretty :D i can't wait for tmnt! :D
Where do I go? What do I do? Who do I turn to? I'm losing my ground
no one.
Friday, March 09, 2007
2:24 PM;
hello :D
i'm so tired. had a long day yesterday :x yesterday night, met up with the hockey people again. meeting again. and yesterday's night meeting, made me felt as if there's so much going on. especially the ending of this year.
and i'm wondering when's my attachment. i hope it wont be really end. or else, everything will clash :/
anyway, this post is so random. so yeah. random. short and simple :x. i just miss blogging. HAA HAA. oh yay. thanks people :D
and at one point of time, i was cursing the world. but i realised, that we're just not meant to be.
no one.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
10:51 PM;
i've not been busy of course. just feeling super lazy to update ):
i was glad that the hockey chalet is still going on. i mean it's not cancelled :D yay. and i hope i did transfer the money properly. looking forward to it.
i was out today with ruz and joanne. to vivo. surprisingly, we didn't take any pictures together. we forgot to :x watched just follow law. god, that movie rawks. it's super funny :D and i was so glad that they got married in the end. cause, i was expecting that to happen. secret recipe was nice. forever 21 and topshop too :D
and i'm cursing which ever idiot which rate me low for no reason. freaking b****. gawd. i'm so angry with whoever did that. she went around and rate everyone low. how childish. orh FREAK! i'm so pissed off!
i guess that this is where we’ve come to if you don’t want to then you don’t have to believe me but i won’t be there when you go down just so you know now you’re on your own now believe me
no one.
Friday, March 02, 2007
2:48 PM;
:]:]:] yesterday was daddy's birthday. oooh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY :D we had cakes. erm, my sweet sour chicken which kinda taste a bit too sour :x and my tofu with vegetables which turned out just fine :D
gosh and i almost kill myself when i found out that i didn't save my work! so pissed! but i was surfing channing's net. gosh. he's hot. calmed me down somehow :) definitely a wallpaper on him today :D and i should continue skinning :D
lala. i love myself. i love life :D:D and and i love CHANNING BRYAN ISAAC TATUM ANDERSONY
families are webs. impossible to touch one part of it without setting the rest vibrating. impossible to understand one part without having a sense of the whole. the thirteenth tale - diane setterfield
no one.