Monday, June 25, 2007
10:58 PM;
i had fun. i had fun. i had fun :)
DAY 1:
everyone assemble at 10. of course, i was there on time. some of the seniors were late. therefore, there was no briefing held. and like normal, some of the juniors were late too. so we waited till everyone was there. we played games the whole day. had training. and something bad happen. i hope she's fine :D and yes, i fell down the stairs ): we watched american pie.
DAY 2:
yay. woke up damn early. had training like normal. played games, such as murderers, curtain call, squirrel and trees. at night, we had night walk and took lots of pictures. and, we celebrated salim's birthday. sin ee was around the night.
DAY 3:
had a small tournament. i was quite pissed with myself. cause, i don't know why, i just can't play my best that day. and it was so depressing. i was close to tears ): slept at 4. played games like 3 blind mice.
DAY 4:
last day of camp. had photos taken. tons of it. until i'm dead. i love the camp. i love everyone. :D

i'm just glad everything went well. and i love the juniors :D
no one.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
11:56 PM;
yes yes. tomorrow's camp. like finally. camp :D
no one.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
9:01 PM;
'early morning today, i had an unexpected miss call.
'companied my mum to the hospital, just to find out that she got the appointment date wrong. but, doctor was nice. he decided to see my mum.
'went for dinner with family, meant to celebrate fathers' day. they unexpectedly ordered more than enough food. i was forcing the food down my throat. and i sat there like a balloon :x. i think i ate more than i should today ): i know i'm boring you people with my, erm, whine or complaints (whichever way you want to see it) about all the foods i've been eating, but i can't help it. seriously, it's depressing.
hey, remember me
i remember you walking away.
so, when the world falls apart, you only have yourself to hang on to.
no one.
Monday, June 11, 2007
11:22 PM;

movie : ocean's thirteen
i watched this movie, last friday at vivo's cinema. it was a nice movie. very well planned (:
i had chalet from 8-11 june :D. met my cousins, aunts and uncles. it's just so great to hang around again. listen to their crappy jokes. although someone did manage to piss me off. but whatever, small kids, shan't elaborate. and my small nephew, is so cute, with his funny questions and answers.
the bbq was great. i was pampered with food throughout the whole chalet. never felt hungry, cause food never run out :x. but yes, i limit myself. played games, such as soccer, captain's ball and even dog and bone.
sometimes, it's just nice to meet the family. catch up what we left behind. and i love every each of them. that probably excludes the small kid that pisses me off. but well, couldn't possibly hate her that much right? i hope not. argh. she should just shut up :)
when you're prepared to love someone.
be prepare to lose him too.
and no i'm not ready. just yet. for anything, beyond my control.
no one.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
10:49 PM;
I'm falling even more in love with you
Letting go of all I've held onto
I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you
I'm living for the only thing I know
I'm running and I crash sure where to go
And I don't know what I'm divin' into
Just hanging by a moment here with you
hanging by a moment;
no one.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
2:20 PM;
common test ended yesterday for me.
the science paper (lol, i'm saying it as if i'm still in primary or secondary school with science subject), or my Introduction to Genomics and Proteomic - okay, don't ask me what's that -, was tough, but i managed to answer the questions here and there. hoping for the best :)
i've got The Devil Wears Prada for my PI common test. i was kinda excited, also felt a sense of relief, since it's a movie i've watched millions of time. the movie's nice. but the questions are not. all about philosophy and dilemma. erm, i'm not even sure if i was right in answering those questions.
and in my life, i just need some motivations to keep up with my exercises, which i always tend to screw early in the morning, and rather go to bed and sleep.
it's been weeks and probably months, but the tummy isn't much of a difference. how depressing.
do cardio exercises 3-4 times a week.
carbs food should always go with protein, or good fats. in another words, never eat it alone.
screw trans fat.
have lots and lots of sleep.
drink gallons of water.
eat 5-6 small meals a day.
include lots of leafy vegies in your diet.
no one.
Monday, June 04, 2007
6:54 AM;
today's the day.
today's the 2 papers :D
the first and last.
then i'll have my holidays.
wish me luck :)
no one.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
12:39 AM;

date : 31/05/07
company : great :D.
movie : pirates 3 :D :D
loves : cockles. photos. jokes. movie. starbucks drink.

date : 02/06/07
company : great :D.
movie : shrek 3
loves : cockles. jokes. movie. swensens. wedges.
can my everyday be like this?
no one.