Sunday, September 30, 2007
11:14 PM;
no one.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
11:29 PM;
i still have yet to recover from my cramps and exhaustion, but coach insisted on doing something "real" again yesterday. so, currently, suffering from more cramps. but i enjoyed myself in every training, no matter how tiring it has been, i enjoyed it and i know it's for our own good.
and today, we had a friendly match against tp. and i seriously can't help it but to curse the weather. it was raining heavily, and as a result, we didn't get to play for long. pfft. and the pitch was flooded, made it even worst. the ball could hardly travel far and fast. PFFT. we scored a goal, thanks to janna :) and of course everyone who played a part in bringing up the ball :D
it seems like only kat has the perfect hand for this picture. and she'll be so proud of herself when she reads this.
seriously, everyone should just stop asking me and give comments. let's get straight here. i don't do things to impress people. i just want to feel good about myself. and if that's an inconvenience to anyone's live, i'm sorry, there's nothing i can do about it. and your opinion doesnt make me feel better about myself. neither did it bring up my morale and confidence. so please, just let me do what i want. and stop commenting. you won't know till you go through it yourself.
no one.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
9:10 PM;
like what it has been, for real, a long day for me today. pffft. and i was cursing myself each minute for being in such a mess. okay, not really a mess, something i enjoy doing, just that it gets tiring each day.
yesterday's training was per normal. the only different was that, we didn't do any dynamics. coach decided to do something more "real". and the next second, we were running around the pitch. yes, i need treatment for my leg cramps and my exhaustion. i was glad i managed to pull through. we played attack and defence game. and i probably (actually, very sure) that i did a few mistakes here and there.
today, i just wished my alarm clock did not ring. seriously, i was dead tired. a crazy training plus the inability to sleep early, and the need of waking up early during this fasting month, really make me wish that i had all the time in the world to sleep. but no, i wake myself up from a wonderful dream, forced myself out of bed and hurry to the toilet. i have to be awake for my test.
i reached bbdc on time, and so did joanne. and it felt like, finally i met joanne. it has really been a long time. we went into the practice room, thinking we had forgotten whatever we practice 3 weeks ago. but, i was lucky as almost all of the questions and answers are still fresh in my mind. i almost died of boredom doing the practice. all the boring practice pay off in the end, and i passed my basic theory test. finally moving on to the blue book (: ecstatic and elated.

close to perfect happiness.
and i'm so looking forward to tomorrow's training, and dinner. and tomorrow's tomorrow's game :)
no one.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
11:39 PM;
i was so excited, knowing there was a hockey match yesterday. and of course, i went, although were quite late. i bet, i missed the start of the game, but i was glad i did not miss any of the goals. it was SRC vs the police. both farhan and izzat were playing, in different team. yes, you should have watched it. especially when they bumped into each other, one trying to score and another trying to defence.
and i seriously can't forget the second goal. it was perfect and amazing. watching them play hockey was adequate to make feel terrible about the way i play. every second they dribble the ball, and there i went saying, "if only i could do that..." the way i play is very disappointing.
we met ben, who was playing for SRC. still the same skinny ben. we approached him. and he still remembers. i'm contented.

everyone should watch this. it is hilarious :D
no one.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
11:37 PM;
i couldn't sleep well last night as my mind couldn't stop thinking about everything.
about my past, my present and my future.
i just can't stop thinking and the phrase, "if only..." and, "what if..." keeps going through my mind. sometimes it's nice to think about these stuffs to prepare yourself for the worst. but how prepared can we get? can we bear to lose something or someone close? i can't. and so the thoughts keep flowing. and i felt worst than ever. i can't stop thinking, and i can't stop feeling like crap.
and i thought about us. i don't know how long you will stay. i don't how long will you be around. but i knew whatever happen between us was magical. one moment i felt like we had nothing in common. nothing at all. and another moment, we are finishing eah other sentences. one moment it felt like we can't connect and communicate. and another, we're telling each other every single thing. and it felt longer than ever. it felt like we know each other for so long.
and i just can't stop thinking about what's going to happen next. and i don't like the feeling.
no one.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
6:46 PM;
from seventeen magazine:
the libra girl is: fair to friends, level-headed and easy-going
your special trait: you love to bring people together
your little secret: you can't resist a good gossip
best matches: leo, gemini, aries
best avoided: pisces, taurus, capricorn
lucky days: oct 3, 14, 17
reading horoscopes has always been something fun to me. especially when i need to kill time, or out of boredom. but sometimes i wonder, if they were ever true.
no one.
Friday, September 14, 2007
2:34 PM;
i was prepared to sleep all the way to noon today. i have reasons. well, the past few days have been real tiring with all the trainings crashing my day. and i had a very long day yesterday. and so, i told myself, sleep all you want tomorrow. when the clock struck 8, my phone rang, and of course woke me up from my beauty sleep. i was seriously cursing whoever message me then, till i saw a very familiar sender. ngee ann polytechnic. i was awake. read my results. how disappointing.
but, being a easily contented girl, i was very happy i did not screw my programming papers. although the result was close to fail, but still i was happy not to repeat another semester, so i could happily graduate in 3 years and continue my life. however, sometimes you have expectations for a certain module. yes, i do. and i did not achieve it. very unsatisfying.
and i'm awake till now.
no one.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
9:37 PM;
had crazy training yesterday.
and so, i was dead today.
can't run much and the sun is a super killer.
but after training, the bath made it feel so much better.
i love trainings (not during fasting months).
went to town with him. watch no reservation :D
sweet movie. the tiramisu seems so delicious.
the shopping was fun (:
and i realise another thing in common.
the way we sign our names.
no one.
1:07 AM;
yes, i finally got back my laptop :D
shall update the daily life.
the girls - pebs, ruz and sin - came over.
to make cookies :D
but one out of two turn out nice
hey, it's not a bad turn out :D

helping out at HSBC family day.
it was filled with fun :D
watched rogue assassin.
still can recall the super sick scene.

out with the hockey people.
not much of them, only five of us -.-
watched dead silence.
i hate dummies. i never like dummies!
and today, i had training. and some toots just pissed me off.
i'm not happy with what they write/say.
i just need a little appreciation for what we try to do for you.
not expecting much, but still not appreciated.
and i can't stand fake people. get real!
no one.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
9:56 PM;
today's a super long day.
went down to bbdc today.
to take my evaluation.
i know. a bit slow right.
like i registered last year, and now still evaluation -.-
but i was too busy (and lazy) during the school period.
but now, i've booked my test.
so, left with test, and i'm moving on :D
on the way to bbdc, i met 3 people.
haikal, ravi and xian en.
anyways, he was taking his practical test.
and i was afraid for him too.
but i've got faith in him.
but you know, people get nervous and do nonsense.
i'm glad he didn't.
he passed :D
and he drove me home (:
no one.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
6:41 PM;
yesterday, went to army open house :)
and you get to see all the army guys.
and the guns and tanks.
i played some of the games.
erm, to be specific, 2 only.
lol. didn't feel like playing any.
and there's tons and tons and tons of people there.
sometimes i just don't understand why parents bring small kids there.
but, whatever.
i'm damn hungry now.
hunt for food!
no one.